Besan ladoo got interesting

Besan ladoo : an Indian sweet made of gram flour and clarified butter I picked up that last piece of besan ladoo which was literally screaming out my name and tempting me.I didn’t wait for another moment, got the last piece!Took a nibble of it to enjoy every last bit of it; it was justContinue reading “Besan ladoo got interesting”

My Quarantine longing

Damn boy! I wanna go to Kerala so bad! Even though i know that its not the very right time to visit because of Coronavirus as we’re all Quarantined and nobody is allowed to step out of our save spaces, our homes. I really long for that gentle breeze that kisses my face as IContinue reading “My Quarantine longing”

Stop this grade based system!

You know what! I’m sick of this grade based education system that doesn’t have a grade for itself! I just don’t get how on Earth does does some stupid exam grades judge you its like everything around me is just so grade oriented. Like if I wanna get a scholarship only if I have goodContinue reading “Stop this grade based system!”

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